Communication in the Workplace

As technology has advanced, so have the ways we communicate. Although email is still the gold standard, instant messaging has added opportunities for quick responses, on the go and from far away. Tools such as Skype, HipChat, Microsoft Teams, and Slack, to name a few, help with the process. Colleagues are working remotely and collaborating more than ever before. So, here are some best practices to keep the “IM”ing productive:

Stay Professional
Although you may be more casual with personal apps, the same business standards used with other communication methods should apply.

Avoid Confidential Information
Not all IM systems are encrypted, so keep this in mind before sharing personal information.

Post in Appropriate Places
Use group messages wisely, as some communication doesn’t require a long list of recipients.

Keep it Short and Sweet
Think small spurts of information that elicit quick responses.

Set your Status
Let folks know when you’re available, and when you’re not.

Be Responsive
Check periodically and respond briefly to messages.

Follow Company Policy
Create a policy and roll it out to staff, so everyone is aware of the rules and etiquette when using IM.

For more information on workplace communication or help with other IT needs, contact us today at (520) 519-6301 or